For the 9 months this year, 1,205,800 citizens, who are participants in the mandatory social insurance system, have been covered by payments from the State Social Insurance Fund (SSIF), totaling 699.9 billion tenge.

The SSIF provides payments for 5 types of social risks: loss of working capacity, loss of a breadwinner, loss of a job, loss of income due to pregnancy and childbirth or adoption of a newborn child (children), and loss of income due to child care up to one and a half years of age.

Payments for loss of working capacity and loss of a breadwinner are provided in addition to the corresponding state allowances. The amounts depend on the average monthly income from which social contributions were made to the SSIF over the past 2 years, the coefficients of working capacity loss, the number of dependents, the length of participation in the mandatory social insurance system (hereinafter referred to as the system), and income replacement.

The payment for job loss is granted for a period of 1 to 6 months and amounts to up to 45% of the lost income, depending on the length of participation in the system and the income over the last 24 months. This payment is made regardless of the reason for dismissal and is intended to support the unemployed person during their job search.

A one-time payment for loss of income due to pregnancy and childbirth, or adoption of a newborn child (children) is provided for all days of maternity leave. The amount depends on the average monthly income from which social contributions were made to the SSIF in the 12 months preceding the maternity leave and the number of days of incapacity.

The monthly payment for loss of income due to child care up to one and a half years of age is granted from the date of birth of the child. The payment amounts to 40% of the average monthly income from which social contributions were made to the SSIF over the past 2 years. In the case of the birth of two or more children, the payment is granted for each child separately.

It is important to note that out of the 1.2 million recipients, 583.4 thousand people applied for social payments specifically in 2024.

At the same time, the State Social Insurance Fund (SSIF) is conducting systematic work to prevent the misuse of funds intended for payments to citizens.

This year, SSIF employees identified more than 1,4 thousand individual entrepreneurs (IE) using various schemes to receive inflated social payments. Letters were sent to law enforcement agencies detailing the mechanisms used by the IEs in making social contributions, as well as lists of entrepreneurs whose actions led to unjustified withdrawals of funds from the social insurance system.

During checks conducted by the SSIF on the actual employment of workers at such IEs, 64 individual entrepreneurs were identified who denied having any employees. They explained that the social contributions made from their IEs for non-existent employees were due to accountants using their electronic keys to fill out reports for fiscal authorities.

Work is ongoing to establish labor relations for 479 IEs.

Additionally, cases were uncovered where social contributions to the SSIF were made on behalf of one individual by several IEs in order to secure unjustifiably inflated payments.

To date, materials have been submitted to law enforcement agencies regarding 11 IEs (from Aktobe and Pavlodar regions, and Almaty).

Inspections continue in all regions of the country, and materials are being prepared for further submission to law enforcement agencies.

The process of reviewing documents from new applicants who intentionally inflate their income to receive inflated payments from the SSIF has also been tightened. These measures aim to prevent and stop wrongful actions, thereby ensuring fair social protection for all participants in the mandatory social insurance system.

It should be reminded that fraudulent actions are subject to criminal liability under the law.

Sources: Internet resource of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan

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